How to change Eboard Bearings

This is the second in a series of maintenance blogs and videos we will be posting to help you look after your electric skateboard.

Eboard bearings don’t last forever especially when you get them wet regularly. Nor are they any different to normal skateboard or longboard bearings. Water and dirt are the enemy of a smooth running bearing. Its bets to clean them regularly or replace them if they are beyond repair.

The easiest way to take a bearing off is to slide your wheel to the edge of the truck and leverage the bearing out of the wheel. Make sure the truck isn’t too far through the bearing or you’ll struggle to get the bearing off or mess up the thread on the truck. Do this for both sides as each wheel has 2 bearings.

You can restore eboard bearings quite easily, even if they have been full of mud and water, with some household citrus cleaner. Give them a good soaking and let them dry. Try some bones speed cream on the bearings to lubricate them. Available here

Replacing the eboard bearings with some new ones is pretty straight forward. Take the wheel and press the bearing in with your thumb but never hit them in with anything if they’re tight. If they are tight then another way is to push them in to place gently then slide them on the truck. Tighten them in to place by tightening the wheel nut as though you were finishing putting the wheel on. Make sure to add the washers after doing this.

There’s no particular mileage or limit on how often you should change or clean bearings but it’s good to check your wheels for grinding noises, abrasion or grinding every so often.

There’s quite a lot of confusion surrounding bearing, eboard bearings and the ABEC scale. ABEC stands for Annular Bearing Engineering Committee and the scale runs from 1 to 9. There is a company out there called ABEC 11 (which SR stock) which is quite misleading but their bearings are generally ABEC 7 I believe. Basically the higher the ABEC rating, the tighter the tolerances are, making the bearing a more precise part. A higher ABEC bearing will not let you skate faster, it’s more important to buy from a reputable and quality manufacturer – this will have more bearing on speed (no pun intended).

Check out some ABEC 11 SLIME GREEN BEARINGS here


eboard bearings

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