You can check the estimated shipping time for your country on this page. When you order at Fatdaddy, we ship it straight to your door. We use DHL, UPS or PostNL depending on the order and your delivery address.

Country specific updates:

🇳🇱 Netherlands
No delays.

🇧🇪 Belgium
No delays.

🇩🇪 Germany
No delays.

🇫🇷 France
No delays.

🇪🇺 Rest of Europe
Depending on your local post office, delivery can be slightly delayed.

🇬🇧 United Kingdom
We continue to ship to the UK after Brexit. Be aware there can be unexpected delays due to both Brexit and action taken by border control.

🇺🇸 United States & Canada
Delivery is delayed up to 2 weeks due to irregular air freight and custom delays. We are doing our best to ship out as fast as possible.


Shipping estimates.
We ship everyday, please check the product page for an estimate for each item. We are slowly adding more items to daily shipping.

Our warehouses.
We ship from our warehouses in Amsterdam, Germany, Spain and Denmark. To every country within mainland Europe and certain countries outside Europe.

No batteries in planes.
Islands and far away places like the United States can only order accessories, but not vehicles containing batteries. Don’t hate us for it, cargo plane regulations. 

When your order goes out, you’ll receive an email with a tracking number and it will show up in your dashboard under My Account > Orders. You can use this to follow your order’s journey to your door.

Our partners.
We work with several international shipping partners like DHL and UPS to get your order to you as soon as possible, but delivery times vary depending on where you order from and real world situations.

Ship it yourself
We simply can not ship everywhere. That’s when you can select ‘Ship it yourself”. The gameplan is simple, you arrage a pickup and need to manage the whole shipping process yourself. This is free of charge but we do not accept returns.


Keep track.
Fatdaddy is not your usual webshop. We ship pretty bigand heavy packages, we recommend you keep eye on your tracking code to see when you can expect your delivery.

Please do not go on holiday for extended periods of time if you are expecting an order from us. If you are not able to pick up your package in 2 weeks your order will ship back to our warehouse, creating extra costs.

Not at home
If you know you are not going to be home during delivery please contact the shipping agent and let them know. Most of the shipping agents we work with have an online portal where you can divert a shipment. Please be aware that we only ship for free once.

Even with all precaution on packaging, orders can sometimes arrive a litte roughed up depending on the journey via shipping partners. If your order arrives damaged, please take a few photos of the box and products and e-mail us on do not use the product.

We pay all duties to get the product into the EU and into your EU country. This means that if your country is part of the free trading EU you will not be charged with extra’s or import. If you want to order without VAT you can sign up and order as a business.

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