Read more about our Building partnerships in china series here.
Building partnerships in China sounds great, but how are we going to achieve that? Asking ourselves this question was our main focus while re-watching our video pitch in front of the other teams.
After we had finished watching our video with the entire class, we received some questions and comments of our fellow students. The questions that were being asked to us were mainly about what our definition of ‘’good quality products’’ is. We answered these questions with an example. The example that we gave was that if we’d find a new electric skateboard (producer) it needs to meet the following quality measuring points:
- The e-board’s battery has to provide enough electracy to the motor of the e-board to guarantee a driving range of least 10 kilometres on a single battery run.
- The e-board’s motor needs to be able to go as fast as a minimum of 15 km/h.
- The board needs to be able to transport a weight-capacity of around 100 kg.
- The remote control system has to be easy to use and must be comfortable to hold on to by the driver.
- The remote control has to be either connected by Bluetooth or another secure radio-frequency connection. (So no wires!)
- The breaks have to be smooth, yet firm to guarantee the drivers safety.
We also gave the following additional list of quality expectation that we would love to add to the above. This list includes extra possible features for e-boards. The extra features will not only guarantee that the customers’ expectations will be met, but will also make sure that the new product will provide a unique way of transport:
- The battery can be swapped with another one.
- The board needs to be made of maple wood to guarantee straight and flexibility.
- All of the electric parts of the board have to be water-resistant.
- The board features safety lights.
We believe that these quality expectations can be realised in a possible new electric skateboard. Will this electric skateboard be the next big thing in e-mobility? It just might be!
We have also received great news from Tijl of FatDaddy! He has had contact with the management team of Boosted Boards and he has secured our first meeting with an appointment with the production factory of Boosted Boards. This is because Boosted Boards has located its entire production factory to China. We are extremely happy with this meeting and we are thrilled to speak to the production manager!
Because of spring break there will be no blog next week. But we will come right back at you guys after the holidays with the newest information about our mission!
Kind regards,
Evert Nieuweboer and Putri Reeb.