Electric Skateboard Buying Advice

We get perhaps 2 or 3 emails per day from customers who have purchased elsewhere only to be disappointed with the product and customer service. Whether its buying a £200 board from a private vendor on ebay or from a seemingly reputable company only to find that when you need help, you can’t get in touch at all.

Here’s our quick guide to buying from a reputable electric skateboard company and the pitfalls to avoid.

Check the Company

Go to: companycheck.co.uk/ and type in the name of the Business. Are they a registered business, how long have they been trading? If they aren’t a registered business they may well have a different trading name. Our business name is Pin Feather Trading Limited and we trade as Slick Revolution.


All of our electric eboards are certified right here in the UK in an independent test facility. Many on the market claim to have such certification but simply print the relevant marks on the box. Ask for certificates beforehand and check they know what they’re talking about.

Based in the UK

Of course there are plenty of electric skateboard companies based outside the UK but what service do they offer? Are you buying from a distributor or the original retailer who knows the product inside out. You don’t want to go buying an eboard from the US to find there are no spare parts available for months. We are based in the UK and carry out any repairs ourselves, in house, quickly and at a reasonable price. We want to look after you!

Address and Company Number

Is this displayed on the website? Are they trying to hide something if not? Ring ahead if you want to make sure there is a real human and do an address check on google to check the authenticity of the business.

Contact Number

Give them a call, make sure you’re speaking to a real person. There are just too many horror stories of people purchasing from an un-researched company. Only to find their board doesn’t turn up, arrives broken or isn’t certified and safe.

electric skateboard buying adviceVAT Registration

In the UK you have to become VAT registered once your turnover reaches £83,000. If there’s no VAT number shown on their website it’s likely that they are acting unlawfully or are a small business. Nothing wrong with being a small business but you need to know they won’t disappear overnight!

Use common sense and if in doubt pick up the phone.

Well that’s our electric skateboard buying advice – don’t get stung like so many others!

Check out our range of electric skateboards here


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